Web Science Lab
The Web Science Lab (WSL) focuses on the analytical prowess of researchers from disciplines as diverse as mathematics, sociology, economics, psychology, law and computer science in order to understand and explain the internet. It is necessarily interdisciplinary; it is as much about social and organizational behavior as it is about the underpinning technology. Current research topics include ethical computing, usability and user experience, semantic web, geospatial technologies, linked data, big data and open data, as applied in education, healthcare, and urban environments, on all platforms, including, but not limited to, mobile and Internet of Things (IoT).
Current Publications
E. Camingao, J. Bunye, L. L. Figueroa, R. P. Feria, M. R. Solamo. (2024) "Quantifying the Relationship of Tree Quantity to PM10 Concentrations: a Case Study for Urban Areas in Tropical Climates". Online paper presentation at the 2024 AUN-EEC Conference on Ecological Education and Culture, 14 August.
Castaneda, A. and Figueroa, L.L. (2024) Predicting Stock Returns from Company Financials and Machine Learning. In Caro, J., Hagihara, S., Nishizaki S., Numao, M., and Suarez, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2023) (pp. 369-379). Atlantis Press.
Adorna, J., Dantis, A., Feria R., Figueroa, L., and Solamo, R. (2024) Developing a Browser Extension for the Automated Detection of Deceptive Patterns in Cookie Banners. In Caro, J., Hagihara, S., Nishizaki S., Numao, M., and Suarez, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2023) (pp. 369-379). Atlantis Press.
J. R. Montejo, I. K. Paderes, L. L. Figueroa. (2022) "Improving Spatial Search using a Graph Database and Uber H3". Philippine Computing Journal, Vol 15 No 2 (Jul 2022), 1-6.
I.K.P. Paderes L.L. Figueroa, and R.P. Feria. "Implementing Hierarchical Indoor Semantic Location Identity Classification: A Case Study for COVID-19 Proximity Tracking in the Philippines" Novelties in Intelligent Digital Systems: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (NIDS 2021), Athens, Greece, September 30 - October 1, 2021. Vol. 338. 147 - 156. https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA210087
M.J. Dionio, A.D. Fernandez, R. Feria, L.L. Figueroa, M.R. Solamo. (2020) "Likha! Mahika: an educational online competitive mobile game to help facilitate the learning of baybayin". Online paper presentation at the 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2020),9-11 November. https://library.iated.org/view/DIONIO2020LIK
A. Bautista, N. Faelnar, L. L. Figueroa. (2020) "MySQL Index Suggestion Tool". Online paper presentation at the Tenth Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2020), 21 November.
A. P. Jubay, Y. M. Ojeda, M. R. Solamo, R. P. Feria, L. L. Figueroa. (2020) "Exploring the Persuasiveness of An Emotional Intelligence Training Application using U-FADE". Online paper presentation at the Tenth Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2020), 21 November.
Flores, R.L., Silverio, R., Feria, R., Cariaga, A.A. (2019), "Motivation Factors Through Learning Analytics in Digital Game-Based Learning", In Tlili, A. & Chang, M., (Eds) Data Analytics Approaches in Educational Games and Gamification Systems (pp 213-226). Springer Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-32-9335-9
Abril, D.R., Aquino, J.C., Cariaga, A.A., Feria, R., Figueroa, L.L. and Solamo, M.R. (2019) “A Feasibility Study on a Handheld Inertial Navigation System with Continuous Localization Methods”. Paper presented at the 2nd Information and Computing EducationConference (ICE 2019) at Ateneo de Davao University, Davao Philippines, 3-5 October.
Dang-Awan, R. and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Updating a Closed-World Pharmacy Information System to an Open-World Pharmacy Information System in the Philippine Context”. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019) at De La Salle University Manila, 26-27 September.
Paderes, I.K., Mendez, T.M. and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Comparison of the Performance of MLP, Random Forest, and AdaBoosted Random Forests in Software Cost Estimation”. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019) at De La Salle University Manila, 26-27 September.
Paglinawan-Muñez, N. and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “A data-driven approach to web development”. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019) at De La Salle University Manila, 26-27 September.
San Juan, Q.J. and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Analysis on the Adequacy of Current Acceptance Criteria in Developing Scripts for Automation Testing”. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019) at De La Salle University Manila, 26-27 September.
Estabillo, C.R., Tongco-Rosario, G.R. and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Software Engineering in the Philippines: A Survey and Analysis of the Academe and Industry Practices”. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019) at De La Salle University Manila, 26-27 September.
Austria, R.R., Caingat, D.F., Feria, R., Figueroa, L.L. and Solamo, M.R. (2019) SugarTraces: A Persuasive technology-enabled mobile application for diabetics. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019) at De La Salle University Manila, 26-27 September.
Tongco-Rosario, G. and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Sequential Pattern Mining: Review of Algorithms, Applications, and Open Source Implementations”. Paper presented at the Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC 2019) at National University, Sampaloc City, 28-30 March.
Saludares, M.I., Verdad, C., and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Anonymized Recommendation System via Client-Side Storage”. Paper presented at the Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC 2019) at National University, Sampaloc City, 28-30 March.
Arbas, H., Ambita, A., and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Intersection Conflict Resolution for Traffic Simulators”. Paper presented at the Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC 2019) at National University, Sampaloc City, 28-30 March.
Apolinario, J.A., Razal, C.A., Figueroa, L.L., Feria, R.P., Cariaga, A.D. and Solamo, M.C. (2019) “A Study of the Effect of Socioeconomic Conditions to Schistosomiasis Disease in the Philippines.”. Paper presented at the 3rd PAN-Asian One Health International Conference (OHIC 2019) at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 March.
Viernes, M.J., Mapanao, J., and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Performance Analysis of Distributed Database for Landslide Alert Generation”. Paper presented at the 3rd PAN-Asian One Health International Conference (OHIC 2019) at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 March.
Dizon, J., Morado, E.K., and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “SeqTorr: A Distributed Scalable Database for Genomic Information”. Paper presented at the 3rd PAN-Asian One Health International Conference (OHIC 2019) at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 March.
Agong, L.A., Tablac, F., and Figueroa, L.L. (2019) “Full Text Search Optimizations for the Filipino Language”. Paper presented at the 15th National Natural Language Processing Research Symposium at Bicol University, Legazpi City, 8-9 March.
Apolinario, J.A., Razal, C.A., Figueroa, L.L., Feria, R.P., Cariaga, A.D. and Solamo, M.C. (2018) “A Study of the Prevalence of Schistosomiasis Cases in Philippine Provinces”. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2018 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 22 October.
Colina, K., Veron Cruz, R., and Figueroa, L. (2018). Efficiently finding communities in social networks using graph database indexing. Paper presented at the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 18 September.
Del Mundo, L. and Figueroa, L. (2018). Large database of sales transaction classification. Paper presented at the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 18 September.
Choa, J., Santiago, P., Figueroa, L., R.P. Feria, M.C. Solamo and A.D. Cariaga. (2018). Assessing the quantitative description of the accessibility of buildings in the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 17 September. https://doi.org/ 10.1201/9780429261350.
Chua, M.P., Figueroa, L., and Feria, R.P. (2018). Spatial analysis of voter turnout in Metro Manila. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 17 September. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429261350.
Raquel, C., Alarcon, K., and Figueroa, L. (2018). Image classification of Philippine bird species using deep learning. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 17 September. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429261350.
San Juan, Q., Solis. M., and Figueroa, L. (2018). Reliability rating of news-related posts on Facebook using sentiment analysis. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 17 September. https://doi.org/ 10.1201/9780429261350.
Quijano, B., Nabus, M., and Figueroa, L. (2018). Performance of serial and parallel processing on online sentiment analysis of fast food restaurants. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice at UP Bonifacio Global City, 17 September. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429261350.
Figueroa, L., Lim, S., & Lee, J. (2018). Modelling the effect of deprived physical urban environments on academic performance in the Philippines. GeoJournal, 83(1), 13-30, DOI:10.1007/s10708-016-9751- x.
Figueroa, L.L. (2017). Facility Location Models and School Mapping: A Proposal for the Philippines. Paper presented at the Department of Computer Science Professorial Chair Lecture Series 2017 at UP Diliman, Quezon City, 27 November.
Ejercito, P.M., Nebrija, K.G.E., Feria, R.P., Lara-Figueroa, L.L. (2017), “An Analysis of EDSA traffic using advanced tools and techniques”, Proceedings of IISA 2017 - the 8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems, and Applications, 2017. (SCOPUS indexed 2018)
Ejercito, P.M., Nebrija, K.G.E., Feria, R.P., Lara-Figueroa, L.L. (2017), “Traffic simulation software review”, Proceedings of IISA 2017 - the 8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems, and Applications, 2017. (SCOPUS indexed 2018)
Brillantes, N.P., Kim, H., Feria, R., Solamo, M.R., Figueroa, L.L. (2017), “Evaluation of a 3D physics classroom with Myo gesture control armband and unity”, Proceedings of IISA 2017 - the 8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems, and Applications, 2017. (SCOPUS indexed 2018)
Buera, L.F.A, Feria, R.P., Solamo, M.R.C., (2017). “Exploring the Acceptability of Models Made with Varying input image counts for photogrammetry”, Y4IT Research Journal, March 2017.
Altea, M.C.P., Apostol, R.J.E., Isip-Tan, I.T., Feria, R.P., Solamo, M.R.C., Figueroa, L.L. (2017), “On Testing the Usability of Diabetes Bridge: A mobile application to manage health care for people with diabetes”, Proceedings of WCTP2017 - Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice.
Archived Papers
Figueroa, L., Lim, S., & Lee, J. (2016). School facilities and academic achievement: investigating the relationship through geographically weighted regression. Annals of GIS, 22(4), 273-285.
Figueroa, L., Lim, S., & Lee, J. (2016). Spatial analysis to identify disparities in Philippine public school facilities. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 3(1), 1-27, doi: 10.1080/21681376.2015.1099465.
De Leon, R. P., Nazario, M., Solamo, M. R. & Feria, R. (2016), “A User Acceptance Test on ConnectUP: An Academic Social Networking Application Developed Using University Ontology”, Proceedings of WCTP2016 - the 6th Workshop on Computing: Theory and Practice. September 2016.
De Leon, R.P., Nazario, M., Solamo, M.R., Feria, R. (2016), “ConnectUP: An academic social networking application developed using university ontology”, SIGITE 2016 - Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education, Boston, MA., USA. 2016. (SCOPUS indexed 2016)
Cariaga, A.A., Feria, R (2016) Integrating Learning Analytics in a Digital Game-based Learning Environment. 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. EDULEARN 2016 Proceedings. July 4-6, 2016 (pp 5469-5477). Barcelona, Spain. IATED.
Pajarito, K., and Feria, R. (2016), “Design and Development of micro-courses for mobile devices”, Proceedings of EDULEARN16 - the 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016.
Caro, J. DL., Feria, R.P., Betan, A.S., Lagman, A.G., Solamo, R.C., and Paje, P.N.G. (2015), “Multi-campus implementation of university information systems”, Philippine Computing Journal, 10(2), 33-39. 2015.
Pajarito, K., and Feria, R. (2015), “MicroCAS: Design and Implementation of proposed standards in micro-learning on mobile devices”, Proceedings of IISA 2015 - the 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 2015. (SCOPUS indexed 2016)
Cariaga, A.A., and Feria, R. (2015), “Learning analytics through a digital game-based learning environment”, Proceedings of IISA 2015 - the 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 2015. (SCOPUS indexed 2016)
Delos Reyes, J., Rodriguez, A.V., Solamo, R., and Feria, R. (2014), “Evaluation of mobile AAC application for Filipino language”, Proceedings of IISA 2014 - the 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 2014 (SCOPUS indexed 2014)
Balayan, M., Conoza, V., Solamo, R., and Feria, R. (2014), “On evaluating SkillVille: an educational mobile game on visual perception skills”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 2014 (SCOPUS indexed 2014)
Doquenia, E., Leonor, W., Luna, M., and Feria, R. (2014), “On the usability of Pedianote: Pediatric electronic medical record system for Android and iOS tablets”, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, vol. 6, no. 1, jan., 2014, pp. 89-91(3).
Ayag, D.A., Bautista, R. Jr., Eala, M.A.T, and Feria, R. (2013), “Acceptability of Hear-O as a Mobile hearing screening tool”, Proceedings of the IISA 2013 - 4th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, July 2013.
Ayag, D.A., Bautista, R. Jr., Eala, M.A.T., and Feria, R. (2013), “Acceptability of Hear-O as a mobile hearing screening tool”, Proceedings of the IISA 2013 - 4th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications. (SCOPUS indexed 2013)
Decena, B.A., Orense, A., Feria, R. (2013). “Salapiggy: Usability test of the Sifteo Cubes as a game interface for the money counting game for preschoolers”, International Conference on Educational Technologies. 2013.
Caro, R.S., Maghuyop, D., Silapan, I. and Feria, R (2013). “PedInfoSys: an OpenMRS-based Pediatric Information System”. Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice.
Caro, R.S., Maghuyop, D., Silapan, I. and Feria, R. (2012). “PedInfoSys: an OpenMRS-based Pediatric Informa- tion System”. 2012 International Conference of Information Science and Computer Applications (ICIS- CA 2012), November 19-20, 2012, Bali Indonesia.
Chan, Christian Jonathan C., Morada, M., Solamo, R.C., and Feria, R. (2012) "Measuring the Usability of a Low-Cost 3D Infrared Tracking and Wiimote-Based Interface." Proceedings of WCTP 2012: the Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice. (2012): 90-100.
Evangelista, C., Feria, R., Figueroa, L. (2011). Civilian communication system to facilitate disaster management. Paper presented at the 11th Philippine Computing Science Congress, Naga City, 5th March.
Aguilar, Emerico H, and Rommel P Feria. (2011). “The Implementation of a Semantic Web Infrastructure for Integrating Distributed Personal Learning Environments.”The PLE Conference 2011, Southampton, U.K.
Domingo, C.J., Ramirez, N., and Feria, R. (2011). “Evaluation of CHITS’ Database”. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Health 2011, July 20, 2011, Rome, Italy. (SCOPUS indexed 2011)
Marcelo, K. C., Lachica, D. Jr., Asuncion, J.L.R., Delgado, D. M., Moscatel, M. L., Solamo, Ma. R., Feria, R. (2011). “Design and Implementation of Academic Networking in an Integrated Personal Learning Environment and Electronic Portfolio Assessment Management System”. Philippine Computing Journal Vol. 6 (1): 82-88.
Marcelo, K. C., Lachica, D. Jr., Asuncion, J.L.R., Delgado, D. M., Moscatel, M. L., Solamo, Ma. R., Feria, R. (2011). “Measuring the usability of an Integrated Personal Learning Environment and Electronic Portfolio Assessment Management System”. The PLE Conference 2011, Southampton, UK.
Alvarez, G., Bagunu, J., Gomez, A., Pareja, A., Caro, J.DL., Feria, R., Solamo, R.,(2010). “MyMathVentures: Using Wii Remote as multiple-interaction tool for mathematics”. Proceedings of the 10th Philippine Computing Science Congress, Davao, Philippines.
De Ramos, M.C., Vinluan, I.M., Caro, J.DL, Feria, R., Solamo, R., (2010), “Webcam for educational games in English (WEdGE): Using the web camera as an interaction tool for English”, Proceedings of the 10th Philippine Computing Science Congress, Davao, Philippines.
Respino, JR F., Sta. Juana, J.M., Solamo, M. R., and Feria, R. (2011). “Pitch Paradise: A Mobile Game as an Educational Tool for Music”, The 9th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Application, July 19-July 22, 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Respino, JR F., Sta. Juana, J.M., Solamo, M. R. and Feria, R. (2011). “Pitch Paradise: Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Game as a Tool for Learning Music”. 2011 International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology, March 15-17, 2011, Bali Indonesia.
Sale, R.A., Dimaiwat, M., Solamo, M.R. and Feria, R.. (2010). “Kinespell2 - Acceptability Test of Wii Remote as a Controller of an Educational Game”. Journal of Convergence Vol. 1, No. 1: 9-14.
Asuncion, J., Moscatel, M., and Feria, R., (2010). “Design and Implementation of a Cloud-based Personal Learning Environment”. 2010 PLE Conference, July 9, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Delgado, D., Asuncion, J., Moscatel M., Solamo, M. R. and Feria, R. (2010). “Implementation of a Cloud- based Electronic Portfolio Assessment Management System”. The 2011 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science, December 4-6, 2010, Singapore.
Delgado, D., Asuncion, J., Moscatel M., Solamo, M. R. and Feria, R. (2010). “Integrating an E-portfolio Assessment Management System into a Personal Learning Environment”. The 2011 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science, December 4-6, 2010, Singapore.
Sale, R. A., Dimaiwat, M., Solamo, M. R. and Feria, R. (2010). “Kinespell2: Acceptability Test of WiiRemote as a Controller of an Educational Game”. The 3rd International Conference on Human- Centric Comput- ing, August 11-13, 2010, Cebu, Philippines.
Sale, R.A., Dimaiwat, M., Solamo, M.R. and Feria, R..(2010).” Kinespell2-Acceptability Test of Wii Remote as a Controller of an Educational Game”. Journal of Convergence Vol. 1, No. 1: 9-14.
Sale, R. A., Dimaiwat, M., Solamo, M. R. and Feria, R. (2010). “Kinespell2: A Full VAK Approach in Learning Spelling”. 2nd AUN/SEED Net Regional Conference on ICT, March 2-3, 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Dela Cruz, V. , Figueroa, L. , Gonzalez, R. (2010) Using geographic information system in a multi-agent system for site selection: an application to UPCAT test centers. Paper presented at the ISPRS Joint Workshop on Core Spatial Databases - Updating, Maintenance and Services – from Theory to Practice, Haifa, Israel, 17th March. Published in: ISPRS Archive Vol. XXXVIII, Part 4-8-2-W9.
Figueroa, L. L., & Caro, J. D. L. (2010). A spatial decision support system for Philippine education planning. Philippine Information Technology Journal, 4(1).
Cariaga, A., Salvador J., Solamo, M. R. and Feria, R. (2009). “Kinespell: Kinesthetic Learning Activity and Assessment in a Digital Game-based Learning Environment”. Advances in Web Based Learning – ICWL 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5686/2009, 108-111
Cariaga, A.A., Solamo, M.R., Feria, R.P., Salvador, A., (2009). “Kinespell: Kinesthetic Learning Activity and Assessment in a Digital Game-based Learning Environment”. 8th International Conference on Web-based Learning, Aachen, Germany, 2009
Navarro, C.R., Paguio, D., Trino, A.T., Feria, R.P., (2008). “Service-Oriented Mobile Telemedicine Framework”. ICT4Health 2008, Quezon City, Philippines, 2008
Avestro, J., Feria, R., (2006). “Adaptive RTP-Compatible Audio Streaming for Handheld Clients (ARCASH)”. 2006 IEEE ICOCI International Conference on Computing & Informatics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006
Feria, Rommel P. (2004). “Providing effective ICT services using open source technologies: University of the Philippines experience." Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM SIGUCCS fall conference. ACM, 2004.
Avestro, J.E., Feria, R.P., (2003) “jMoDE: Mobile Database Engine using Java”. Proceedings of the Third Philippine Computing Science Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 2003.
Avestro, J.E., Viray, B.C, Minerva, J. and Feria, R.P., (2003). “XPaD: Extreme Presentation and Discussion”. Proceedings of the Third Philippine Computing Science Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 2003.
Borres, M.M., Carreon, M.T., Ong, R.U., Tiongson, L.C. and Feria, R.P., (2003). “Project Hopia:Addressing the Copyright Issue on Audio File Streaming for Peer-to-Peer Network Systems”. Proceedings of the Third Philippine Computing Science Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 2003.
Cadiente, B.S., Desoloc, A.R., Durmiendo, R.A., Ramos, C.A., Feria, R.P., (2003). “E-BAYAD: A Peer-to-Peer Digital Cash Payment System”. Proceedings of the Third Philippine Computing Science Congress, Que- zon City, Philippines, 2003
Macabebe, E., Feria, R.P., (2003). “MyMonet: A Multimedia Assets Management”. Proceedings of the Third Philippine Computer Science Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 2003
Feria, R.P., Claesen, S., Kitney, R.I. (1999). “Measured Performance of DICOM Connection over Asynchronous Transfer Mode”. Proceedings of Computer-Aided Radiology and Surgery, France, 1999.
Feria, R.P., (1994). “Philippine FreeNet: Its Structure and Operations”. International Conference on Electronic Mail, Cebu, Philippines, 1994.
About Us
Rommel Feria, MSc, SMACM, MIEEE
Associate ProfessorLeah Lara Figueroa, Ph.D.
Associate ProfessorMa. Rowena C. Solamo, MSc
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science
College of Engineering
University of the Philippines - Diliman
Quezon City 1101 Philippines
+63-2-8981-8500 x3231
Email: 59c13a45-2510-4171-8256-2855a98fdab6@aleeas.com